Seeing is believing.

TeamWide Solutions is committed to supporting your success through all phases of your business growth. We take pride in our ability to provide customized solutions to match the needs, budget, timing and preferences of any group. Read on for a detailed look at real client experiences from start to finish--and beyond.

Strengthening Communication Among Senior Management Team
Organization: Manufacturing & sales company?
Problem: Poor communication among senior management team
Recommended Solution: TeamWide Workshop with Communication Assessment

The company CEO wanted his senior management team to become more cohesive, collaborative and productive. After interviewing the CEO and members of the management team, we determined that different communication and behavior styles were the root of the problem. We used a communication assessment to help the team gain awareness about their own communication style and those of their peers. Through training and experiential exercises, we provided the tools and skills for adapting one's own behavior and communication styles when dealing with someone who has a different style.

Signs of success: Empowered with knowledge, the managers became aware of their own behavior styles and preferences when speaking to and interacting with their peers and the CEO. In time, they were able to modify their own communication styles in order to be heard and understood.
Identifying Strengths & Improving Competencies of Leadership Team
Organization: Manufacturing & sales company
Problem: Keeping up with significant company growth
Recommended Solution: 360° Feedback Survey and Coaching

The company CEO wanted to bolster the leadership skills of his management team as the business continued to grow. All senior managers, including the CEO, completed the 360° Feedback Survey. Each participant rated him/herself, but also selected several direct reports to rate their leadership skills in areas such as communication, task management, relationships and delegation. All raters were kept anonymous, providing very candid and objective results across the board. Next, each manager participated in a triad-coaching session along with the CEO, during which they worked together to select three areas of focus. Over the next six months, one-on-one coaching ensued to heighten self-awareness and strengthen the targeted management competencies of each manager, including the CEO.

Signs of success: The CEO reported immediate benefits from the objective information provided by the 360° Feedback Survey. Over a three-year period, several strategic measures were taken to strengthen the management team. Today the company is soaring toward triple-digit revenue.
Reducing Stress & Communication Breakdowns in the Workplace
Organization: Manufacturing & sales company
Problem: High stress levels and communication breakdowns
Recommended Solution: TeamWide Workshop with Path Element Profile™ assessment

TeamWide Solutions was charged with improving communication and working relationships among employees. Approximately 40 employees and mid-level managers from every department in the company participated in the PEP assessment, which uses the four essential elements of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire to classify behavior and communication styles. All employees agreed that the assessment was spot-on in describing their own styles, as well as those of their peers. Throughout the day, various teambuilding exercises allowed team members to work together to find innovative solutions to problems. Following the workshop, employees posted their essential element symbol on their door or desk, added the symbol to their email signature, and included their PEP types in the employee directory. This visual cue served as a reminder to adapt natural behaviors when speaking or interacting with a coworker.

Signs of Success: As part of the hiring process, each new employee completes a PEP assessment and participates in a mini-version of the full-day workshop. New employees are encouraged to proudly share their PEP type with coworkers to help assimilate into a new work culture. The benefits are numerous and continue to reinforce the belief that differences are meant to be leveraged for the success of a team.
Unifying Management & Staff
Organization: Nonprofit agency
Problem: Management and staff working toward different goals and objectives
Recommended Solution: PEP assessment & the Five Dysfunctions of a Team workshop

The Executive Director (ED) was disappointed in the lack of support and respectful interaction among team members, as well as underperformance despite long hours. Each employee took the PEP assessment online and received results at the workshop. All embraced and enjoyed a new way of interacting with others--particularly those with opposite behavior styles. The workshop allowed team members to try on new behaviors while working together to solve problems. The next day, we began the real work of uncovering mistrust among team members through the Five Dysfunctions of a Team assessment and workshop. With TWS guiding the discussion toward positive outcomes, the team collectively dealt with the five challenges that show up in dysfunctional teams: Lack of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Absence of Accountability, and Failure to Achieve Results.

Signs of Success: Immediately following the two-day workshop, the ED reported more respectful interactions and more camaraderie and support. An unforeseen benefit occurred when the staff shared their knowledge about PEP types with the clients they served. Follow-up sessions included working together to establish a thematic goal for the next 12- to 18-month period, which is a powerful hallmark of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team program.
Improving Hiring & Retention Success
Organization: Manufacturing & sales company
Problem: Getting the right people on board--and keeping them
Recommended Solution: Profile XT™

Hiring the wrong person costs time and money. This growing company needed a way to be sure they were selecting the best candidates the first time around. They began using Profile XT to identify the qualities that make a person productive: Thinking & Reasoning Style, Behavioral Traits and Occupational Interests.

Signs of Success: Of the 38 employees hired over a three-year period, the new-hire retention rate is up to 95%. Also, by requiring new and current employees (professionals and managers) to complete the Profile XT assessment, the company is able to build a databank of job descriptions that can be used for succession planning and job matching.
Bridging the Multi-Generational Workforce Gap
Organization: Creative marketing department
Problem: High stress levels and related disconnects among team members
Recommended Solution: TeamWide Workshop & Golden Personality Type Profile® assessment

This 10-person team was facing tight deadlines and an increased workload, compounded by high levels of stress, a variety of behavior styles and different generational work ethics. TWS took the group offsite for a full-day workshop, choosing a serene and remote location to provide an escape from the stress and frenzy of the workplace. We worked through a variety of teambuilding exercises and introduced challenges along the way to simulate the workplace. The Golden Personality Type Profile results were introduced as a way to understand different behavior styles; then, the group engaged in a murder mystery challenge. Afterward TWS guided discussions to address communication issues and differences. The day ended with a team newly committed to collaboration and leveraging strengths within the group.

Signs of success: They returned to the workplace the next day with a new perspective on working as a team. The manager took action to minimize some of the frustrations expressed by the team members. Six weeks later, the group reported improved collaboration and communication.
Teambuilding on a Limited Budget
Organization: Private school staff & faculty
Problem: Budget limiting opportunities for fun and teambuilding
Recommended Solution: TeamWide Treasure Hunt

A new administrator wanted to kick off the new school term with an engaging teambuilding event. He wanted an opportunity to bond with his new team of 35+ teachers and administrative personnel in a cost-effective way. We took them on the road for a full-day teambuilding adventure in uptown Charlotte. Participants worked through a variety of icebreakers and teambuilding exercises to identify their coworkers' strengths and interests. The large team divided into smaller teams and worked through a series of fun challenges to find clues along the treasure hunt path.

Signs of Success: At the end of the treasure hunt, we polled the participants and received 100% positive feedback that the teambuilding event was fun, informative and a great way to kickoff the new school year.

What to Do Next